Sunday, May 25, 2014


Selamat pagi semuanya semoga mengawali perdagangan minggu ini anda diberikan kemudahan dan keberhasilan yang besar untuk kesuksesan bisnis anda
seperti biasa kami kembali dengan Analisa harian harga forex yang berlaku hari ini tanggal 26 mei 2014 pada beberapa Pasangan mata uang dan semoga analisa ini memberikan manfaat untuk anda.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Know More About The Beauty of Raja Ampat at indonesia

Know More About The Beauty of Raja Ampat at indonesia


 Previously we have posted about The Indonesia Tourism Places Similar WisataDunia place , which one of them is an archipelago of Raja Ampat . Yes in the Raja Ampat islands are similar but not the same as Phi Phi Island , Thailand . But this time I will not compare the beauty of the following two attractions , but I will discuss more about the attractions Raja Ampat . Raja Ampat is a diving paradise hobbyists and enjoy the beauty of the underwater panorama that form coral reefs and beautiful fish .This fella some points held by the Raja Ampat . 

1 . A total of 610 Island 
Raja Ampat is a fraction of Sorong regency , since 2003 . The district has a population of 31,000 souls has 610 islands ( only 35 islands are inhabited ) with a total area of ​​about 46,000 km2 , but only 6,000 km2 of land , 40,000 km2 , the sea again . The islands are unspoiled and the sea is still beautiful to make direct tourists hooked . They seemed to want to explore the waters in the " Bird's Head " New Guinea .This region had become the target of hunters reef fish by means of bombing and cyanide poison to spread . However , there are still many people who seek to protect the region so that the wealth of the sea could be saved . Coral reefs in Raja Ampat marine rated most complete in the world . Of the world's 537 species of coral , 75 percent were in these waters . Also found 1104 species of fish , 669 species of molluscs ( soft animals ) , and 537 species of coral animals . Excellent .The World Bank in collaboration with global environmental institutions establish Raja Ampat as one region in East Indonesia which received assistance Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program ( Coremap ) II , since 2005 . In Raja Ampat , this program covers 17 villages and involve the local population . Fishermen are also trained to cultivate grouper and seaweed . 

2 . exotic 
Papua Diving , the only exotic resort that offers underwater tours in the region , visited by tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days and even up to a full month to wade through the contours of the sea floor . They seemed to not want to go back to their countries because they get " island paradise that is second to none on this earth " .Managers not easy to prepare a place for tourists . Maximillian J Ammer , a Dutch citizen of Papua Diving Resort owners are also pioneers of marine tourism drive this region, need desperately to set up various facilities to attract tourists from abroad . Since he started his business eight years ago , a lot of money must be spent . However , the results are also satisfactory . Each year the resort is visited at least 600 special tourist who spent an average of two weeks .Lodging is very simple that only a walled and roofed woven palm leaves that cost a minimum of 75 euro or Rp 900,000 a night . If you want to dive must pay 30 euros , or about USD 360,000 was diving at a particular location . Most tourists come from Europe . Only a few tourists from Indonesia to stay and dive in there ." Tourists dive almost every day because the dive sites are very wide and varied . Coral reefs are varied so much choice and invite curiosity . There are tourists who are aged 80 years is still strong dive , "said Max Ammer which women married to Manado .Three years ago , Papua Diving build a modern inn not far from the first location . Apparently, the inn was built by relying on local building materials are almost always fully booked . Though the charge reaches 225 euros, or about Rp 2.7 million per night . At the new location , equipped with modern appliances , including international telephone and internet facilities .Tourists to the Raja Ampat Diving just want to Papua on the island of Mansuar because the facilities are of international standard and servants , also the food. They landed at the airport Domne Eduard Osok , Sorong , directly to the location of the fast boats with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way . It takes about 3-4 hours to reach Mansuar .Like the other islands , Mansuar looks beautiful because the forest is still awake and the seawater was clean so that marine life is not far from the surface can be seen clearly . Tourists enough to swim or snorkelling to see the beauty of the sea , whereas if you want to observe directly beauty of marine life in the depths , they should dive . 
3 . feel Safe 
Local residents involved in the development and management of the resort , even 90 of the 100 employees are citizens of Papua . Residents also supplies fish , vegetables , fruits , and others . One of the tour package to visit the village to see typical local plants and animals , including birds of paradise . Many tourists who become donors of the church and the education of children around the Man - flare .
Max Ammer is committed to improving the economic and skills of local people . They were trained in foreign languages ​​and use scuba gear . Tourists feel safe in times of day and night while enjoying blistering and sunsets as well as swimming and diving in the deep sea .
In addition to marine and fisheries , Raja Ampat has a wealth of natural resources , such as petroleum and nickel . On the seabed there are also many sunken ships former World War II is estimated to contain " treasure trove " of high value . However , if mismanaged , it is feared exploitation activities threaten the preservation and natural beauty of the sea .

 Photos beauty of Raja Ampat:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014



Map BaliDari many scattered islands in the Indonesian archipelago , Bali is the most famous island in the world . The island is located in the south of the equator has an area of ​​approximately : 80 miles long and 150 miles wide that resemble the shape of a fish . Civilization noted that Bali has an amazing microcosm of the history , legends , literature , art , nature , and man himself .

Bali is the last link from the ranks of the islands lush tropical Indonesia. On the East side of the island , along the Lombok Strait that separates Bali to Lombok island , visible line between the flora and fauna of the sub - tropical race changed to diverse flora and fauna of Australasia race .

In terms of ecology , " Australasia " is an area that has a history of the evolution of a uniform and a number of flora and fauna that can only be found in the Australian region , island of New Guinea and surrounding islands . Including the island of Lombok and Sulawesi and islands in Indonesia, which is located to the east of both islands . An imaginary line dividing the Asia Australasia is the Wallace Line - Borneo and Bali to the west , namely in Asia .Villagers Tengganan Bali | Photo of :
Villagers Tengganan Bali | Photo of : wisatabaliaga.comOn one side of lush green land , brown land on the other side , on the one hand there are monkeys , squirrels , a variety of birds , on the other hand there is a large reptile and cockatoos . This enchanting island is split by rivers , canals , and the valley is covered by forests and rice fields to the end of the beautiful beaches . Decorated by a lake that fills the rest of the crater of the volcano . Beauties showed a plateau that blends fantasy with reality .
In the 15th century AD , when the Majapahit kingdom was defeated by the patterned Islamic Mataram kingdom , hundreds of Hindu - Javanese groups ; nobility , clergy , artists , intellectuals and ordinary people are in fact faithful Majapahit fled to the island of Bali .
It is prominent in Bali is the vision that inspires confidence every living soul in Bali to harness nature wisely ; human creativity in various fields such as : engineering sculpting , dance , architecture , music and other artistic expressions .

 Social Life and Culture

Ritual ceremonies Saka New menjelangTahun | Photo of :
Ritual ceremonies Saka New menjelangTahun | Photo of :
Social order in Bali built on division of social strata which are divided into :
1 . Brahma , is the highest strata filled by the clergy .
2 . Knight , a stratum filled by nobles and royal officials
3 . Vaishya , a stratum which is filled by the soldiers and traders
4 .
Sudra , strata for ordinary people .
Despite struggling with lacing globalization brought along with foreign tourists and traders , as well as the rush of incoming information and technology , distinctive culture that has long remain firmly entrenched as their hallmark .

Name of each individual can be seen as an indicator of social strata as well the existence of culture in Bali , for example : Good or Ida Ida Ayu is the name used by the Brahmins . Anak Agung Cokorda or god is the name used by the Knights . I Gusti is the name used for the Vaishya , and Wayan , Made , Nyoman , Ketut used by the Sudra .

 Birth ceremony ( Jatakarma Samskaras )
Ceremonies begin from the day before birth . For example , there is a series of prohibitions for women who are pregnant , namely : should not eat food fresh bloody , law should not be like when a menstruating woman entered the temple ; women who are pregnant are not allowed to eat buffalo meat or pork ; should not be seen people who are injured or blood let alone see people who died , and had to stay home with a purification ceremony that allows birth normally.The father of the baby is expected to be present at the birth of the baby and accompany his wife . When the baby is born , the father had to cut the umbilical cord using a bamboo knife , then put in a bag , and then looped around the neck of the baby at a later date .
On day 21 after the birth of the baby , according to the Balinese calendar , the baby will be dressed in clothing , such as gold or silver bracelet in accordance with the existing social system . Size is determined by maturation for women menstruate first time and readiness for marriage .
Cut Tooth Ritual | Photo from : ANTARA / Nyoman Budhiana

Birth and puberty ceremony is only the opening of a series of ceremonies and celebrations that accompany every Balinese daily activities , from eating to bedtime , from walking to the spoken word .

 The marriage ceremony ( Pawiwahan )

Another important transition ceremony wedding in Balinese language called Pawiwahan . Pawiwahan is a testament to the ceremony before the Sang Hyang Widi and to the public that the two persons concerned have committed themselves as husband and wife .

As for the preparations that need to be prepared for the ceremony are as follows :


· Segehan chopped five colors .
· Fire takep ( fire made ​​from coconut fiber ) .
· Drumming ( fresh water , wine , wine ) .
· Padengan - with / pekala - kalaan .
· Pejati .· Mat impromptu ( small mats made ​​from pandanus ) .
· Load ( consisting of a hoe , sugar cane , wood branch that ends dadap given pot , basket containing money ) .
· Bakul .
· Pepegatan consists of two branches connected by a thread dadap white
Time : Usually been a good day , in accordance with the requirements ( ala - ayuning adult ) .
Place : Can be done at home Iaki bride or her in accordance with local customary law ( village , kala , patra ) .
Executing : Led by a pastor / Pinandita / Wasi / Stakeholders .
The procedure:
· Before the ceremony natab pedengan offerings - with , first and maprayascita mabhyakala bride .
· Then the bride surrounds Kamulan corrected and corrected Pesaksi three times and proceed with the sale and purchase between men Iaki bride with the bride , accompanied by tearing mat bride Iaki impromptu by men .
· As the last event performed Mejaya - jaya and ends with natab dapetan offerings .

 Death ceremony ( cremation )
Death ceremony performed by means of a cremation ceremony spectacular and dramatic as it is the final series of the wheel of human life on earth . According to Hinduism , the soul is immortal ( immortal ) and after residing in the human body , will be reincarnated , but before reincarnated , spirits would pass through a phase in nirvana and be cleansed , and according to the record of a person's life on earth ( karma ) then the spirit will be sent to low or high caste , and cremation is a purification process of the spirit of sins past .
Philosophically , in Bali there are several primary means used in death rites ( cremation ) , the corresponding script Purwwa Tattwa Yama , among them ; banana teak as color , asep as eyes , a mouth angkeb rice , porridge pirata as sound , as anal dukut off , the cup as the forehead , nose leaf as a wealthy timber , goad as eyelashes , eyebrows as Java , pili - pili as heartburn , ilang long as the tongue , ending the lips , don rattan as the back , asep as gums , pengawak as spine , cane as an arm , sandalwood as pinkie bone , spices as core or as atma .
Panyugjug as roads , panyugjug mameri as a guide to the most front , shirt ( wastra ) as leather , fabric wangsul as the soles of the feet , as the knee cap , Crush / reward of money as the knee bone , sangku as the bladder , as a fan of breath , meat sebagal box , three sampir as veins , and gagadhing , EMBA - embanan as head .
Therefore , the Balinese do not consider death as the end of everything , but is a new phase of life . Therefore often utter such messages are listed in the Bhagavadgita , " The end of birth is death , the end of death is birth " which means the end of keidupan is death and death is the beginning of life

Art on Bali

Music, dance, and a statue of the three areas of the arts at the center of artistic creativity concentration exploration community in Bali.

3.1. music

In terms of music, the sound of gamelan almost buzzing around the land of Bali; at the temples, squares, palaces, etc.. The musical instruments accompanied by other musical instruments such as completeness: gong, bell-bell, saron, xylophone, etc.. The composition of the instrument can be changed according to the designation of the area and held performances.

Dance of Bali IslandIn addition to music, Balinese dances an art show that attracts attention . There are various types of dances with different functions in accordance with such designation : for religious ceremonies , drama or musical performances , ritual warfare , and much more .
Among the most famous dance is the Legong Kraton . Legong word is derived from the word " leg " which means flexible or elastic and then interpreted as graceful movement ( dance ) . Furthermore, the word is combined with the word " gong " means gamelan that , so it becomes " Legong " which implies movement highly bound ( especially accentuation ) by the accompanying gamelan . Sometimes the dance is performed by two or more girls with figures showing Lean as Legong start of this opening , but there are also times when the Legong dance performed one or two pairs of dancers without showing Lean leaders first. Characteristic of this is the use of Legong dancers except Leaning fan .dance Jauk

Gamelan is used to accompany the dance called Gamelan Semar Legong Pagulingan . The play is commonly used in the Legong is mostly sourced at :
· The story of King Lasem Malic particular story ,
· Kuntir and Jobog story ( the story of Vali Sugriva ) ,
· Bring Legod ( Brahma Vishnu story when looking for a tip and base Lingganya Shiva ) ,
· Egret ( bird story ) ,
· Sudarsana ( sort Calonarang ) ,
· Palayon ,
· Chandrakanta and so forth .
Some areas have a typical Legong , for example :
· Didesa Tista ( Tabanan ) there are other kinds of Legong , called Andir ( Nandir ) .
· In the temple Pajegan Great ( Ketewel ) are also masked dance called Legong
Legong Trance or Legong masks .
In addition Legong Kraton , dance Equally famous is the Kecak dance , Pendet also in 2009 that the media spotlight and abroad related to claiming Pendet heritage neighbor country , Indonesia's neighboring countries are starting construction of identity nation .

Beliefs or Religion For More Of Bali Island Human MajorityBalinese Hindu beliefs or Bali is a complex phenomenon that is constructed from various aspects ; Shiva Hindu and Buddhist traditions as well as combined withBESAKIH TEMPLE


ancestors and nature . In some ceremonies and religious rites there are differences from one region to another .
In Balinese belief , mountain Mahameru / Meru has a special position in their hearts . Mahameru illustrates an important point or as Rama ( Mr ) of life ; darisanalah the Gods set life . On the island of Bali , the mountains as the cosmos is something that is dominant in confidence and architecture . An important part of religious ritual in Balinese society is a ceremony performed on the highest mountain in Bali is Mount Agung which is regarded as the ' navel of the earth ' , where at the foot of Mount Agung Besakih there .
In Besakih, in addition to the celebration and the annual ceremony organized by the religious calendar , there is also great for cleansing ceremony universe Eka Dasa Rudra is called , which is held once every 100 years . 
Bali Aga society


In the 20th century ago, precisely in 1963, Mount Agung erupted after waking from sleep for centuries and claimed beberaba approximately 1,200 people and destroyed many villages .
The Balinese see the tragedy as a symbol of the anger of the gods and therefore the ceremony was held again in 1979 or 1900 based on the calculation of the Saka .
Cosmological symbolism of mountains can be seen in the architectural structure of the temple gate Bentar or characteristics that make up a tower that resembles notched two separate parts of the pyramid into two , which describes the two-part sacred mountain , Mount Agung one part and one part of Mount Batur . Other common symbols are Meru ; hundreds of pagodas that stand in holy places , and in the court of the temple was built on a series of layers of rock that has a roof that resembles a pyramid shape covered by palm leaves black with number eleven ( the amount of which is determined based on Hindu beliefs associated with order of the universe ) .
Beliefs , ceremonies , and religious celebrations guiding Balinese life since birth and alloys in the form of family and social life . Religious regulations specify spatial village , the temple shapes , the structure of the house , and a series of rights and responsibilities in the village . In view of the religious calendar , holidays , celebrations and set systems .

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Welcome to us here that will give you the best information about the various tourist attractions in Indonesia, but before further recognize various beautiful places in Indonesia Indonesia's good to know this is the face in general and Indonesia with a decent variety of Nature you make a tourist destination

Indoneisa is a large of country located in Southeast Asia, with a cross on top of the equator which makes Indonesia has a subtropical climate that mucin turnover between wet and dry season occurs once every six months and this makes the various wonders of nature occurs d Indonesia

Geography of Indonesia
Instead of Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia .Indonesian map

Indonesia lies between 6 º N - 11 º 95 º LS and BT - 141 º E, between the Pacific Ocean and Hindi , between the continents of Asia and Australia , and at the meeting of the two series of mountainous , namely circum-Pacific and circum- Mediterranean .coordinateJudging from the crossbars , Indonesia lies between 6 º N ( North latitude ) and 11 º LS ( south latitude ) . The location of such latitude it is an indication that :

Courant northern border region of Indonesia is 6 º N and 11 º is the southernmost LS . ( The island is the most northerly We and most places south is the island Roti ) .
Distance latitude is 17 º .
Are by and large areas of Indonesia is located in the southern hemisphere .
Indonesian territory traversed by the equator .Judging from the location of longitude , area of ​​Indonesia is located between 95 º E and 141 º East. It bererti :

Indonesia 's westernmost boundary region is 95 º E and 141 º is the most eastern longitude.
Distance is 46 º longitude ( approximately 5000 miles , or nearly one eighth the circumference of the earth ) . Difference in longitude so that led to the time difference .
All parts of Indonesia located east hemisphere ( calculated from 0 º meridian ) .Such astronomical layout it shows that Indonesia is located in the tropical climate . Tropical climate area contained between 23.5 º N or Garisan Cancer , and 23.5 º LS or Garisan So . This resulted in the temperature in Indonesia is quite high ( between 26 º C - 28 º C ) , rainfall is quite a lot ( between 700mm - 7000mm per year ) , terdapata huja zenital ( rain rose equator ) , the process of weathering of rocks quite quickly and there are many different types of Haiwan and plant species .Zon timeLocation of astronomy resulted in about 3 hours time difference ( more precisely Minit 46 x 4 = 184 Minit ) between the far east with the western part of Indonesia.Since January 1, 1988 in Indonesia enacted a new time pembahagian area , replacing long time pembahagian with effect from January 1, 1964 . With the enactment of this new time pembahagian area , there was a shift of time in some places .

Regional West Indonesian Time ( WIB ) . Courant West Indonesia Time is based on the meridian 105 º BT base , covering the entire province on Sumatra island , the whole province on the island of Java , West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan ( have a time difference of 7 hours earlier than Greenwich time ) .

Regional Central Indonesia Time ( PST ) . Based on the base of the 120 º meridian east, covering East Kalimantan , South Kalimantan , Bali , West Nusa Tenggara ( NTB ) , Nusa Tenggara Timur ( NTT ) , and the whole province in Sulawesi ( have a time difference of 8 hours earlier than Greenwich ) .

Regional East Indonesia Time ( WIT ) . East Indonesian Time Courant by base meridian 135 º BT , covering the whole province of Irian Jaya ( Papua ) , Maluku , and North Maluku ( have a time difference of 9 hours earlier than Greenwich time ) .

 Broadly speaking, Indonesia has the fifth largest island is also SUMATRA, JAVA island, the island of Borneo, Sulawesi and Irian Jaya island, Indonesia currently has the largest population after China and India, Indonesia has more than 240 million inhabitants with a variety of diverse ethnic and culure.Keragaman is what makes Indonesia great place to visit as a tourist destination.

 This paper provides little information about Indonesia in general and will discuss various tourist destinations in Indoonesia in detail that make it worth it for your reference in your tour in Indonesia

 This paper provides little information about Indonesia in general and will discuss various tourist destinations in Indoonesia in detail that make it worth it for your reference in your tour in Indonesia

Finally, I congratulate read and maybe you are interested to visit Indonesia and do not forget when you come to Indonesia please contact us first so that we can guide you travel

Happy Holidays