Sunday, February 23, 2014


Welcome to us here that will give you the best information about the various tourist attractions in Indonesia, but before further recognize various beautiful places in Indonesia Indonesia's good to know this is the face in general and Indonesia with a decent variety of Nature you make a tourist destination

Indoneisa is a large of country located in Southeast Asia, with a cross on top of the equator which makes Indonesia has a subtropical climate that mucin turnover between wet and dry season occurs once every six months and this makes the various wonders of nature occurs d Indonesia

Geography of Indonesia
Instead of Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia .Indonesian map

Indonesia lies between 6 º N - 11 º 95 º LS and BT - 141 º E, between the Pacific Ocean and Hindi , between the continents of Asia and Australia , and at the meeting of the two series of mountainous , namely circum-Pacific and circum- Mediterranean .coordinateJudging from the crossbars , Indonesia lies between 6 º N ( North latitude ) and 11 º LS ( south latitude ) . The location of such latitude it is an indication that :

Courant northern border region of Indonesia is 6 º N and 11 º is the southernmost LS . ( The island is the most northerly We and most places south is the island Roti ) .
Distance latitude is 17 º .
Are by and large areas of Indonesia is located in the southern hemisphere .
Indonesian territory traversed by the equator .Judging from the location of longitude , area of ​​Indonesia is located between 95 º E and 141 º East. It bererti :

Indonesia 's westernmost boundary region is 95 º E and 141 º is the most eastern longitude.
Distance is 46 º longitude ( approximately 5000 miles , or nearly one eighth the circumference of the earth ) . Difference in longitude so that led to the time difference .
All parts of Indonesia located east hemisphere ( calculated from 0 º meridian ) .Such astronomical layout it shows that Indonesia is located in the tropical climate . Tropical climate area contained between 23.5 º N or Garisan Cancer , and 23.5 º LS or Garisan So . This resulted in the temperature in Indonesia is quite high ( between 26 º C - 28 º C ) , rainfall is quite a lot ( between 700mm - 7000mm per year ) , terdapata huja zenital ( rain rose equator ) , the process of weathering of rocks quite quickly and there are many different types of Haiwan and plant species .Zon timeLocation of astronomy resulted in about 3 hours time difference ( more precisely Minit 46 x 4 = 184 Minit ) between the far east with the western part of Indonesia.Since January 1, 1988 in Indonesia enacted a new time pembahagian area , replacing long time pembahagian with effect from January 1, 1964 . With the enactment of this new time pembahagian area , there was a shift of time in some places .

Regional West Indonesian Time ( WIB ) . Courant West Indonesia Time is based on the meridian 105 º BT base , covering the entire province on Sumatra island , the whole province on the island of Java , West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan ( have a time difference of 7 hours earlier than Greenwich time ) .

Regional Central Indonesia Time ( PST ) . Based on the base of the 120 º meridian east, covering East Kalimantan , South Kalimantan , Bali , West Nusa Tenggara ( NTB ) , Nusa Tenggara Timur ( NTT ) , and the whole province in Sulawesi ( have a time difference of 8 hours earlier than Greenwich ) .

Regional East Indonesia Time ( WIT ) . East Indonesian Time Courant by base meridian 135 º BT , covering the whole province of Irian Jaya ( Papua ) , Maluku , and North Maluku ( have a time difference of 9 hours earlier than Greenwich time ) .

 Broadly speaking, Indonesia has the fifth largest island is also SUMATRA, JAVA island, the island of Borneo, Sulawesi and Irian Jaya island, Indonesia currently has the largest population after China and India, Indonesia has more than 240 million inhabitants with a variety of diverse ethnic and culure.Keragaman is what makes Indonesia great place to visit as a tourist destination.

 This paper provides little information about Indonesia in general and will discuss various tourist destinations in Indoonesia in detail that make it worth it for your reference in your tour in Indonesia

 This paper provides little information about Indonesia in general and will discuss various tourist destinations in Indoonesia in detail that make it worth it for your reference in your tour in Indonesia

Finally, I congratulate read and maybe you are interested to visit Indonesia and do not forget when you come to Indonesia please contact us first so that we can guide you travel

Happy Holidays


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