Origin History of Borobudur Temple

    History of Borobudur temple is located in the village of Borobudur , Magelang regency , Central Java . This temple is the second largest Buddhist temple after Ankor Wat temple in Cambodia and is included in one of the seven wonders of the world . There are several versions of the origin of the name of this temple . The first version says that the name is derived from the Sanskrit Borobudur is " bara " which means " temple or monastery " and " beduhur " which means " high / above " .

    The second version says that the name Borobudur History probably derived from the word " sambharabudhara " which means " mountain slope terraces " . The third version is interpreted by prof . Dr. . Borobudur Poerbotjoroko explains that the word is derived from the word " bhoro " which means " monastery " or " boarding " and " budur " which means " above " .

This opinion is corroborated by Prof. Poerbotjoroko . Dr. . W.F. Stutterheim who found Bodorbudur means " monastery on a hill " . Meanwhile , other versions put forward by Prof. again . J.G.
de Casparis based Middle Reef inscription , mentioning that Borobudur is derived from the word " bhumisambharabudhara " which means " a place of worship for the ancestors " .

Still based on Middle Reef inscription and coupled with the inscription Kahuluan , JG de Casparis in his dissertation in 1950 said that the history of Borobudur Temple was established by King Samaratungga estimated from Sayilendra dynasty circa Sangkala Sagara kstidhara sense or Çaka year 746 ( 824 AD ) and can be solved by a new daughter named Dyah Ayu Pramodhawardhani in about the year 847 AD . Making this temple according to inscriptions Klurak ( 784 M ) assisted by a teacher from Ghandadwipa ( Bengalore ) named Kumaragacya and a prince from Kashmir named Visvawarma .

 Other versions
Historical Origins of Borobudur - Borobudur temple is one of the famous tourist attraction in Indonesia, which is located at Borobudur , Magelang , Central Java . Borobudur Temple was founded around the year 800 AD by early Buddhists Wahayana . In the history of Borobudur temple , there are various theories that explain the origins of the name Borobudur temple . One of them states that the name comes from the word Borobudur possibility Sambharabhudhara which means " mountain " ( bhudara ) where the slopes are located terraces .

In addition there are some other folk etymology . Suppose that the word comes from the greeting Borobudur " the Buddha" is due to a shift into borobudur sound . Another explanation is that the name is derived from two words "coal " and " beduhur " . The word bara said to have originated from the word monastery , while there are also other explanations where the coal comes from Sanskrit which means temple or monastery and beduhur meaning is " high " , or to remind the Balinese language means " above " . So the point is a monastery or hostel located on high ground .

Historian J.G. de Casparis in his dissertation for a doctorate in 1950 argued that Borobudur is a place of worship . Based on the inscription Karangtengah and Kahulunan , Casparis estimate Borobudur founder of the dynasty was the king of Mataram dynasty named Samaratungga , who do construction around the year 824 AD

The giant new building could be completed at the time of her daughter , Queen Pramudawardhani . Borobudur Development estimated take half a century . In Karangtengah inscriptions also mentioned about the bestowal of land sima ( tax -free land ) by CR ? Kahulunan ( Pramudawardhani ) to maintain Kam ? L ? N is called Bh ? Misambh ? Ra . The term Kam ? L ? N is derived from the word meaning first place origin , a sacred building to honor the ancestors , the ancestors of the dynasty Sailendra possibility .
Casparis estimates that Bh ? Noodles Sambh ? Ra Bhudh ? Ra in the Sanskrit language meaning " Mount of the set of ten levels boddhisattwa virtue " , was the original name of Borobudur .

The location of this temple is located in the hills above the village of Borobudur , Mungkid , Magelang or 42 km of the town of Yogyakarta . Surrounded Hill Manoreh stretching from east to west . While in the east there is Mt Merapi and Merbau , as well as the west side there Gunumg Sindoro and Sumbing .
    It takes no less than 2 million stone blocks of andesite or equivalent square 50.000m to build the temple of Borobudur . The overall weight of the temple reached 3.5 million tons . Like most buildings of the temple , Bororbudur have 3 parts of the building , ie legs , and upper body . Foot building called Kamadhatu , which tells the story of consciousness filled with lust and animalistic traits . Then Ruphadatu , which means a level of human consciousness that is still bound lust , material and shape . While no longer bound Aruphadatu lust , material and shapes depicted in the form of an empty stupa . This can only be achieved with the desire and emptiness

  The Origin and Its mystery Borobudur  

In Indonesia there is a giant building that still many mysteries unsolved . Namely Borobudur .According to the history of Borobudur was built by King Smaratungga one of the kings of ancient Mataram kingdom of Sailendra dynasty in the 8th century . According to legend Borobudur was built by an architect named rang ... seo Gunadharma , but the truth of the news is hirtoris is not certain .If we look from a distance , Borobudur will look like the composition of a staircase or a pyramid and a stupa . Unlike the giant pyramids in Egypt and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico Borobudur is another version of the pyramid . Borobudur pyramid kepunden staircase will not be found in the region and any country .Meanwhile, when viewed from the air , the Borobudur Temple is similar to the shape of lotus . Lotus is one of the symbols used in homage ( worship ) Buddhism , symbolizing purity, reminding Buddhists to always keep your mind and heart are kept clean despite being in an environment that is not clean .1930s W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp never give a scientific delusion on the Borobudur . Powered geological research , Nieuwenkamp say that Borobudur stupa instead intended as a building but as a lotus flower floating on the lake . The lake is now dry at all , first covering most of the area Kedu plains that lie around the hill of Borobudur . Aerial photographs Kedu area does give the impression of a vast lake around the Borobudur Temple .According to ancient scriptures , a temple established in nearby bercengkeramanya the gods . Tops and hill slopes , areas of volcanic activity , plateau , river banks and lakes , and the confluence of two rivers considered to be a good location for the erection of a temple .What's interesting is the name of the architect of Borobudur , called Gunadharma . But who Gunadharma ?There is no historical record of this character named Gunadharma . It is estimated Gunadharma is a symbol of the name of someone who has exceptional intellectual . There is an assumption that Borobudur was built with the help of ' other beings ' .Borobudur basic constituent materials are rocks that reach thousands of cubic meters in number . A stone weighing hundreds of kilograms . Remarkably , no stone is used to glue the cement . Antarbatu only linked to each other , the stone top - down, left - right , front - and rear . When viewed from the air , then the form of Borobudur Temple and statues are relatively symmetrical . Another greatness , near Borobudur there Mendut and Pawon . Turns Borobudur , Mendut , and if drawn lines Pawon Khayat , are in a straight line .Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist temple , situated in the village of Borobudur in Magelang regency , Central Java , was built by King Samaratungga , one of the kings of ancient Mataram kingdom , the descendants Dynasty dynasty .The name Borobudur is a combination of words and Budur Bara . Bara from Sanskrit means temple or monastery ... complex . While Budur derived from the word meaning Beduhur above , thereby Borobudur means monastery on the hill . While according to other sources means a gunungyang terraces ( budhara ) , while other sources say that Borobudur means monastery on the high place . Borobudur -shaped building punden consists of 10 levels , measuring 123 x 123 meters . Height 42 meters before it was renovated and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as a buffer . This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex . Six lowest level of a square and three levels on top of a circle and the highest level of Buddhist stupa facing to the west .Each level symbolizes the stage of human life . In accordance school of Mahayana Buddhism , every person who wants to reach the level of the Buddha must through every level of the life .* Kamadhatu , the base of Borobudur , symbolizing human beings that are still bound by lust .* Rupadhatu , four levels above it , symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but still bound manner and form . At these levels , a statue of Buddha placed open .* Arupadhatu , three levels above where the Buddhist stupas are laid in holes. Symbolizes man who had been free from lust, appearance , and shape .* Arupa , the top of which symbolizes nirvana , where Buddha is residing .Each level has reliefs that will be read coherently runs clockwise ( towards the left of the entrance of the temple ) . In the reliefs of Borobudur tells the story of a legendary story , a variety of story content , among other reliefs there on the epic Ramayana , there are also reliefs Jataka stories . In addition , there are relief panels describing the condition of society at that time . For example , relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of the cruise that was based in Bergotta ( Semarang ) .All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect Buddha's teachings . A Buddhist from India named Atisha , in the 10th century , once visited this temple that was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Grand Cathedrals in Europe . Thanks to visiting Borobudur and having supply of Buddha teaching script from Serlingpa ( King of Sriwijaya ) , Atisha was able to develop Buddhism . He became head of monastery Vikramasila and taught Tibetans of practicing Dharma . Six manuscripts of Serlingpa was condensed into a core doctrine called " The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment " or better known as Bodhipathapradipa .One of the questions still unanswered about Borobudur is how the condition around the temple was built and why the temple was found buried in a state . Some say Borobudur originally stood dikelilingii swamp and then buried by the eruption of Merapi . It is based on Calcutta inscription reads 'Amawa ' means sea of ​​milk . The word is then interpreted as lava of Merapi , Borobudur buried by cold lava possibility of Merapi . The villages around Borobudur , like there Wanurejo Karanganyar and activities of people make crafts . In addition , the peak Watu Kendil an ideal spot for a panoramic view from the top of Borobudur . Earthquake May 27, 2006 and had no impact at all on the Borobudur temple so that the building can still be visited . 
Borobudur material

Borobudur is the second largest temple after Ankor Wat temple in Cambodia . Building area of ​​15,129 m2 Borobudur composed of 55,000 m3 of rock , from 2 million pieces of rocks . The average stone size 25 cm X 10 cm X 15 cm . The length of the whole piece of stone weighing 500 miles total 1.3 million tons of rock . The walls of Borobudur Temple surrounded by pictures or reliefs which are a series of stories in 1460 terususun panel . The length of each panel is 2 feet . If a series of reliefs that stretched the length of approximately 3 km relief entirely . Number ten levels , levels 1-6 of a square, while the rate of 7-10 circular . Statues found around the temple buildings totaling 504 units. Height of the temple from the ground to the tip of the main stupa was 42 meters , 34.5 meters but now lives after being struck by lightning .According to the survey Austrian ethnologist - anthropologist Robert von Heine Geldern , the Indonesian nation ancestors are familiar with grammar and culture in the Neolithic era Megalithic originating from South Vietnam and Cambodia . At the Megalithic era ancestors of Indonesia made ​​the tomb of his ancestors at the same place of worship in the form of tiered pyramid building , getting to the top is getting smaller . One was found in the Valley of Sibedug Leuwiliang Bogor West Java . There are also similar buildings in Sukuh near Solo , Borobudur Temple also . If we look from a distance , Borobudur will look like the composition of a staircase or a pyramid and a stupa . Unlike the giant pyramids in Egypt and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico Borobudur is another version of the pyramid . Borobudur pyramid kepunden staircase will not be found in the region and any country , including in India . It is one of the advantages of Borobudur temple which is a typical Buddhist architecture in Indonesia

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